Located at 1771 S. Wiesbrook Road Wheaton, IL 60189 (Directions)
Sunday Worship at 10 am

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Volunteers needed to host Hope's Coffee Fellowship after church. Sign up today!

Volunteers needed to host Hope's Coffee Fellowship after church. Sign up today!

Christian Ed is creating a new Sunday School curriculum for this fall. Contact Carol Gats to help us brainstorm new ideas!

Christian Ed is creating a new Sunday School curriculum for this fall. Contact Carol Gats to help us brainstorm new ideas!

All God's Children are welcome at Hope

All God's Children are welcome at Hope

Looking for Hope? We're right here!

Looking for Hope? We're right here!

Hope's Helping Hands Ministry is looking for volunteers. Contact the office to learn more.

Hope's Helping Hands Ministry is looking for volunteers. Contact the office to learn more.

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Finding Hope

Worship begins at 10 am Sunday Mornings

Office Hours:  9 am to Noon, Monday through Thursday
Phone: 630-668-7750    Fax: 630-668-7950

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Worship With Us Online at 10 am Sunday 


Sermon Title for 6/16/2024: "Preparing for Battle"

Bible Readings: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 Psalm 20 

 Synopsis: Psalm 20 is a royal that is a prayer for a king before he goes into battle. It is believed that the people of Israel would read this psalm before their king and his men went into battle. The psalm is a plea for God's help in the upcoming fight, and the people ask for God's favorable response by making offerings and sacrifices..